September 27, 2012

A Preliminary Note on Vimalamitra's Aural Lineage

A Preliminary Note on Vimalamitra's Aural Lineage:
Pandita Vimalamitra
Courtesy: S. Noskov
Up until now, Longchenpa's (1308-1364) Tshig don mdzod or Treasury of Subjects has taken the pride of place as the definitive system of exegesis of the so-called Dzogchen "snying thig" tradition derived from the seventeen tantras. David Germano's 1992 dissertation, Poetic thought, the intelligent Universe, and the mystery of self: The Tantric synthesis of rDzogs Chen in fourteenth century Tibet, was certainly a milestone in the study of this topic, but leaves much to be desired in terms of exposing the origins of this system of analysis of the man ngag sde class of tantras. 

Fortunately, we are now in a better position than we were in 1992. Several seminal commentaries on tantras such as the sgra thal gyur and so on, have come to light, which are now being critically edited by native scholars such as Chogyal Namkhai Norbu and so on.

 We also have had the good fortune of the publication of a 12th century text authored by one mKhas pa Nyi 'bum, the son of Zhang ston bkra shi rdo rje, called the rdzogs pa chen po tshig don bcu gcig pa bzhugs so (bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang; lha sa; 2008) or The Eleven Subjects of The Great Perfection. We have also the good fortune of the publication of The Aural Lineage of Vimalamitra (rgod kyi ldem 'phru can. dgongs pa zang thal. TBRC W18557. 4: 187 - 406. simla: thub bstan rdo rje brag e wam lcog sgar , 2000).

In regards to the third text mentioned above, The Aural Lineage, this latter text is a slightly augmented recension with interpolations of supplementary citations and brief summaries into the original text authored by Nyi 'bum. Presented as a dialogue with King Trisong Detsen at Chimpu, apart from the introduction and a couple of scene specific interpolations, it presents a version of the Nyi 'bum text in its entirety with differences accountable by differing manuscript traditions and scribal errors. In several places where there is a difference between The Eleven Subjects and the Aural Lineage they are resolved by examining the same passages presented in the Treasury. In some cases sense can be restored to passages in the Eleven Topics with the Aural Lineage.

Moreover, the citations attributed to Vimalamitra in both the Treasury and the Aural Lineage find their origin in Nyi 'bum's Eleven Subjects.

Further, we can understand that at least one of the major commentaries on the seventeen tantras was present during the time of Nyi 'bum from which he must have derived his own presentation of the eleven topics i.e. the eigth and final chapter of the commentary of The String of Pearls Tantra attributed to Vimalamitra; the colophon of which notes that it was transmitted by Nyi 'bums's nephew, Guru Jo 'ber to one Gru gu Jo 'bum.

Thus, with the publication of the latter two texts, we can now triangulate the position of The Treasury of Subjects. Germano's thesis lends the impression that The Treasury of Subjects is a unique contribution of Longchenpa to the field of Dzogchen exegesis. But in fact, for its subject matter, The Treasury of Subjects is wholly dependent on Nyi 'bum's earlier text, both in terms of the general sequence of citations and of lifting entire passages or reworking entire passages. Thus, Nyi 'bum's seminal text, The Eleven Subjects of The Great Perfection provides the grand outline upon which the scholastic exegesis of the entire later Nyinthig tradition depends. It was clearly the main text used to teach the general outline of snying thing used up until the time of Kumararaja and it is absolutely certain  that The Eleven Subjects was the text that Longchenpa had in front of him when he was composing his Treasury of Subjects.

While there is a great deal more that could be said about these three texts, and will be said about them in my forthcoming translation of The Aural Lineage, for now it is sufficient to note that there are numerous interesting questions about the transmission of Nyi 'bum's text, the relationship of the two core texts of the mkha' 'gro snyin thig to it, the transmission of the Eleven Subjects to Rigzin Godem (1337 - 1409, revealor of the dgongs pa zang thal), his rennovation of the text as a dialogue between Pandita Vimalamitra and Trisong Detsen, the subsequent eclipse of The Eleven Subjects in favor of the Treasury (a text at least four times in length),  and so on.

One ready answer is that the Treasury contains responses to 14th century scholastic objections to Dzogchen (an overwhelming concern of Longchenpa) whereas The Eleven Subjects was transmitted in a close circle of disciples with very little ouside contact. Hence the polemics presented in the latter, such as there are, mainly consist of a condensed review of different theories of the basis which are presented in exhaustive detail in the fifth chapter of the exhaustive commentarary on the Tantra of the Six Dimensions of Samantabhadra, attributed also to Vimalamitra. Further, Longchenpa is clearly writing with a number of desiderata in mind such as cleaning up and/or omitting incorrect citations or citations he cannot readily identify in Nyi 'bum's text, and so on, as well as elaborating the eleven subjects with further relevant citations from texts indirectly referenced in Nyi 'bum. It is also interesting to note that Nyi 'bum's text has been replaced in the Vima Snying thig with a quasi-treasure text authored by Longchenpa that just covers the bare bones of the eleven subjects sans citations.

It is important to point out also that Longchenpa does move a section concerning the formation of the body to the second topic heading, the delusion of sentient beings, from its place in the Eleven Subjects/Aural Lineage in the fifth topic, the pathway of wisdom. He adds a detailed discussion on the distinction between the all-basis and the dharmakāya which is not found in either of the latter two texts. There are other features of the Treasury of Subjects that mark it for special consideration as well, such as Longchenpa's grounding of the third subject, the treatment of the basis or seed of buddhahood present in all sentient beings explicitly within the tathāgatagarbha corpus of sūtras, and tagging the eleven subjects with the same denominator, "rdo rje gnas", or "vajrapada", an evident homage to the Uttaratantra of Maitreyanatha. While Longchenpa clearly upheld his understanding of so-called Prasanga Madhyamaka as the definitive expression of Mahāyāna view, it is also absolutely correct to state that Longchenpa held the tathāgatagarbha corpus of sūtras as the definitive expression of Mahāyāna given his separate treatment of this doctrine in the sgrub mtha' mdzod and in the Treasury of Subjects.

One might also speculate that the earlier text was rennovated by Rigdzin Godem and included in the dgongs pa zang thal collection because it represents an earlier tradition than that of Longchenpa, has a less cluttered presentation, is not as long, is easier to teach and so on, and as such does indeed represent the basis of the authentic aural lineage of Vimalamitra.

However, as indicated above, the study of the three texts concerning the eleven topics authored by Longchenpa, as well as the dgongs pa zang thal's Aural Lineage, is not complete without reference to the earliest extant text we have on the subject, The Eleven Subjects of The Great Perfection. Therefore, Nyi bum's text occupies a critical point in the history of the evolution of the snying thig tradition and should not be overlooked.

September 26, 2012


`정곡을 찌르는 세 마디 말`..에 관한 구결(口訣)을 소개합니다..
`찍숨네덱`-- 정곡을 찌르는 세 마디 말..은 가랍도르제(Garab Dorje)의 핵심 가르침입니다..
그는 족첸의 첫번째 인간 스승입니다..
어느날..그는 시다림(尸陀林)에 있는 대탑 위에서.. 
제자 만주시리미뜨라가 보는 앞에서 육신을 불멸의 정광명신으로  바꾸고.. 
하늘 높이 솟구치며 사라져버립니다..
제자.. 만주시리미뜨라는 하늘 위를 올려다 보며...커다란 절망감에 빠져 외칩니다..
``                        ``
이 때...하늘의 빛 속에서 황금색 작은 호부함 하나가 떨어지고..
호부함을 열자..
가랍도르제의 모든 가르침의 핵심..` 정곡을 찌르는 세 마디 말`이 들어 있었습니다...
그 세 마디 말을 읽자마자..
만주시리미뜨라의 마음은 스승의 깨침과 동일한 것이 되어버렸습니다... 
이 글은..가랍도르제의 ` 정곡을 찌르는 세 마디 말`에 관한 것이며..
이에 관한 빼뛸 린포체의  아름다운 주석 `케빠 시리 갤뽀`를...
딜고켄쩨 린포체께서 원시청정(原始淸淨)이라는 제목을 가지고.. 다시 설명하신 것입니다..

`케빠 시리 갤뽀`  --빼뛸 직메 최끼 왕뽀

구루에게 엎드려 절하나이다..

견해는 롱첸 랍잠이다..
명상은 켄쩨 외쎄르이다..
수행은 갤외 뉴구이다..
이와같이 실천하는 자는..
의심의 여지없이 한 생에 구경의 깨달음을 얻을 것이다..
그게 아니라도.. 최소.. 지복은 누릴 것이다...--아 랄 라

견해..롱첸 랍잠은 아래와 같다..
세 마디 말로 급소를 찌르려면...
먼저..마음을 느슨하게 풀어놓고...
어디로도 향거나 몰입하거나..혹은 생각하지 말고..
느슨하게.. 흔들림없이 그러한 상태에 머무르면서..
느닷없이...마음을 흩어버리는 소리를.. 팻~하고 소리질러라..
강하고.. 짧게...날카롭게..--에마호~!
그 어떤 것도..일체.. 하지 마라..
어떤 시도도 하지않으면서...완전히 개방된 채로 남아 있으라...
형용할 수 없지만..완전히 모든 곳으로 동시에 열려있는 그 상태로...
무어라 할 수 없는 이것...이것을 법신이라 여기라..
이 근본 성품(릭빠)을 자각하는 것..그것이 바로 첫번째 정곡이다...

그 다음에는..상념이 일어나든..멈추어있든..
화가나거나 집착이 일어나거나... 혹은 즐겁거나 슬프거나..
아직.. 흔들림없이 평상심으로 머무르지 못한다면...
산란함을 버리도록 훈련하는 것이 중요하다...
명상을 몇 차례로 나누고...
모든 순간에...모든 상황에서..
이 법신의 상태가 끊김없이 이어지게 하라...
그리고..이것 외에는 아무것도 존재하지 않는다는 결정에 도달하라..
이 한가지 결정에 도달하는 것.. 그것이 바로 두번째 정곡이다..

이번에는.. 좋거나 싫거나.. 혹은 기쁘거나 슬프거나 하는...
모든 지나가는 상념들을...빠짐없이 모두 알아차리되..
아무런 앙금도 남기지는 마라...
대상에 끄달리지 않는 가운데.. 그 속에서 법신을 자각하게 되면...
마치 물 위에 그린 그림처럼...
그것은..그저 끊임없이...일어났다 꺼지고..일어났다 꺼지는 것을 보게 된다..
무엇이 일어나든... 그것은 실체가 비어있다는 것을 자각하기 위한 재료일 뿐이다..
어떤 상념이 일어나든...그것은 왕인 법신이 나타나는 것에 지나지 않는다...
아무 흔적도 남기지 말고...어디에도 매이지 마라..-- 아 랄 라
상념이 일어나는 방식은 앞서 말한 바와 같다...
하지만 거기서 벗어나는 길은 매우 특별한 핵심이다..
이러한 핵심이 없다면... 명상은 그저 무명의 혼돈일 뿐이다...
이러한 핵심이 있다면...이것은 꾸밈없는 법신의 상태이다...
이와같이 무애자재함에 확신이 생기는 것..그것이 바로 세번째 정곡이다...

세 가지 정곡을 아는 이러한 견해..
이것을 아는 지식과 이것을 적용하는 자비가 결합된 명상...
이 두가지는.. 승리자의 아들인...부처가 실천하는 수행의 도움으로 완성되니..
설령..삼세의 부처님이 함께 의논한다 해도...
이보다 더 수승한 가르침은 얻지 못할 것이다...

자각의 실재라 하는.. 이 법신의 보물을 발견하는 자는..
광대한 지식의 세계에서.. 이것을 하나의 보물로 발견한 것이다...
이것은 흙이나 돌에서 추려낸 어떤 것들하고는 다르다...
이것은.. 가랍 도르제의 열반송이다..
이것은.. 세 전승의 핵심이다..
이것은.. 가장 소중한 제자에게 비밀리에 맡겨놓은 것이다..
이것은.. 의미가 광대하지만..요결이다..
이것은.. 요결이지만 핵심을 찌른다...
핵심적인 의미가 흐려지게도 하지 말고..
자세한 설명이 사라지게도 하지마라...

이것으로..케빠 시리 갤뽀에 관한 특별한 가르침을 마친다...