Recently I was contacted by a member of Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s sangha who asked if I could write a blog post about Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s activities and recent birthday. In familiarizing myself with his activities, I was really happy to see that within the larger website for his organization, Kechara, there are a number of specific blog posts about the Gelug approach to Vajrayogini: Naro Khachoma.
I invite you to take a look:
This form of Vajrayogini was given directly to the Mahasiddha Naropa by Vajrayogini herself. Naropa passed the practice of Naro Khachoma to the two Nepali Pamthingpa brothers (Vagisvarakirti and Bodhibhadra) who after spending years studying and practicing with Naropa, brought the teachings back to Nepal. According to Glenn H. Mullin the Pamthingpa brothers spent years in retreat in their hermitage in Parping, a very important site to Vajrayogini practice. Below is a picture of the main Vajrayogini temple in Parping that I visited in 2008.
Eventually the Pamtingpa brothers eventually ended up teaching Melgyo Lotsawa Lotro Drakpa, an early Sakya translator/practitioner and teacher of the great Sakya teacher Kunga Nyinpo. In this way Naro Khachoma practice was included within the Sakya lineage, and later worked its way into the Gelugpa lineage. Naro Khachoma, or Naropa’s Space Lady, is still a very highly regarded practice within these two lineages; a practice that is profoundly powerful in its effacacy of transmuting one’s experience of ordinary being into that of the blissful immediacy of Vajrayogini and her consort Heruka Chakrasmvara.
Perhaps Tsem Tulku Rinpoche could one day share his thoughts on death and the process of dying and aspects of bringing Vajrayogini to these events with us here…
Praising Vajrayogini and the Dakinis
I prostrate of the glorious
Vajra Dakini, queen of the dakinis,
The savior of beings who has
The five wisdoms and the three bodies.
I prostrate to all of the many vajra dakinis
Who cut the bonds of conceptual thought
Even while doing various forms
Of worldly activity.
(Taken from Sermey Khensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche’s Sublime Path to Kechara Paradise.
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