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Works in progress
A number of these titles are available as pre-publication items on PDF. The PDF comes as a fully formatted book, ready for publication. If you are interested in a title, contact us using the e-mail link at the foot of this page. | |||
Three books on Zhantong teachings These include translations of several texts, including the chapter on the two truths from Jamgon Kongtrul's Treasury of Knowledge; several talks from Khanpo Tsultrim Gyatso; songs of Milarepa, a text on the Zhantong view by Khyentse the Great, and explanations of Zhantong by the author that make the subject easy to understand. One of the books is published, see:
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Chariot that Establishes the View A major text by the second Drukchen of the Drukpa Kagyu. The books clearly lays out the view of the Drukpa Kagyu and thus of the Kagyu in general, by relying on the view of the non-dual tantras. Many explanations of the view according to the mother and father tantras are given and many details of Kalachakra. The translator, Lotsawa Tony, provides a long introduction to clarify the many threads contained in the book, and provides a paraphrase of the main two chapters on the view, so that they can be more easily understood in English. | |||
Kagyu Mahamudra A book of Beru Khyentse Rinpoche's teaching. Beru Rinpoche gave a complete set of teachings on the Karma Kagyu Mahamudra Prelimaries and on Karmapa Rangjung Dorje's Prayer of Aspiration to Mahamudra. These will be published in one book. A pre-publication version of the book is available to those who need the instructions for their practice. Contact us by e-mail with the request. | |||
Padma Karpo on Mahamudra A book containing all of the texts on Mahamudra by the fourth Drukchen and widely revered Kagyu author, Padma Karpo. The selections included are, with one exception, new and have not been seen in English before. It is anticipated that there will be both English and German editions of the book, which is part of our ongoing efforts to encourage European translators to make authoritative translations in their own language. | |||
Gampopa's Question and Answer Sessions with his Great Disciples (The first Karmapa, and others) Gampopa's Collected Works contains a section with records of the questions that Gampopa's most advanced disciples asked of their master and his replies to them. The records of these interviews give a personal picture of these great disciples, including the first Karmapa, and what they went through on their personal journeys to enlightenment. The answers from Gampopa give a very clear picture of how the Mahamudra teaching was given in the early days of the Kagyu lineage. Many important points, some which seem to have been lost historically, can be understand from Gampopa's way of teaching his disciples. It is anticipated that there will be both English and German editions of the book, which is part of our ongoing efforts to encourage European translators to make authoritative translations in their own language. |
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